Our Courses

Defensive Driving

The Defensive Driving program is a nationally recognized driver improvement program developed by the Canada Safety Council. The program focuses on principles and foundations of defensive driving like dealing with intersections and right of way regulations.

Fire Extinguisher

Fire extinguishers are mandatory but most people have no skill in how to use one. This training is based on a live fire where the course candidate is faced with changing weather and wind conditions.

First Aid

Learn to recognize and provide interventions for life-threatening emergencies until medical aid arrives, including CPR and choking for adults, shock and unconsciousness, severe bleeding, major medical conditions, and AED training and certification.

Respiratory Fit Testing

Any person who is required to wear a tight fitting face piece during the course of their normal day to day duties, or any person who is required to wear a tight fitting face piece for emergency response activities should be fit tested to ensure an effective seal

Greetings from Jim

Safety training is important in any workplace. My courses aren’t just about memorizing facts or passing exams, my students learn how to prevent and minimize accidents, as well as save lives. My objective is for my students to have an upbeat and positive learning experience. The learning environment I create is dynamic and non-stressing so that students can become engaged with the material. If you are interested in signing your workplace or group up for a course, please email me at (jim@balmersafety.com or phone 403.580.7296 if you prefer).


Jim Balmer

What Our Clients Think

Contact Us

To learn more about the company or inquiries, feel free to contact us with the information below. We will do everything we can to respond to you as quickly as possible.

Email: jim@balmersafety.com

Telephone: 403.580.7296

Satisfied Clients

City of Medicine Hat
Cenovus Energy
Niska Gas Storage
South Country Co-op Ltd.
Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede
Imaginea Energy Corporation
CBI Health Group